It has been twenty years since the Auckland Zen Centre first opened its doors, and we are marking our anniversary with a weekend of celebrations 28-30 June.

20th Anniversary Celebrations

Zen practice
and training in Auckland,
New Zealand.


The Auckland Zen Centre is an urban Buddhist community with a resident teacher, Ven. Amala Wrightson, Roshi. The Centre offers regular sittings, talks, zen meditation workshops, retreats (sesshin) and opportunities to engage in compassionate action.

What is Zen?

Zen is a mind-body practice that developed over several centuries in China after the legendary monk Bodhidharma came from India in 479 CE to transmit Buddhist teachings.

Sitting meditation (zazen) and moving meditation (kinhin) are the main practices in Zen, along with service and work (samu).

How to sit

Whether you sit in a chair or in full lotus, the three basic principles are the same: stability, alignment and ease.

Learn more on our How to sit page, or, even better, come along to a workshop.

Where to start?

Our introductory workshops include:

  • an introduction to Zen Buddhism

  • detailed instructions on sitting (zazen) and walking meditation

  • guidelines for establishing daily home practice


Roshi Amala Wrightson

Roshi Amala Wrightson was born in Auckland in 1958, and worked in theatre before taking up full-time Zen training. She and her husband Richard von Sturmer began Zen practice in 1982 after attending a workshop led by Roshi Philip Kapleau in Sweden. In 1986 they became students of Roshi Bodhin Kjolhede, Roshi Kapleau’s Dharma heir and then newly-appointed Abbot of the Rochester Zen Center.

Amala-roshi began full-time residential training in Rochester in 1989, shortly after completing an M.A. in Italian at Auckland University, and was ordained in 1999. From 1996 to 2003 she was the Center’s Head of Zendo (head priest in charge of training). In late 2003, upon completion of formal koan training under Roshi Kjolhede, Amala-roshi returned to resettle in New Zealand and, since then, has dedicated her time to the creation of a place for authentic Zen practice and training in Auckland.


AZC Weekly talks

In this podcast series you can find all the talks given at the Auckland Zen Centre, back to 2016. Most talks are by Roshi Amala Wrightson, but there are also talks from Richard von Sturmer and senior students too.

Talks for beginners

Talks by Roshi Amala Wrightson that are particularly useful for those new to Zen.

Talks on precepts

Twice a year we have the opportunity to recommit to the 16 Precepts in a Jukai Ceremony (held at Matariki and New Year’s Eve). These talks explore the precepts that are at the heart of the Great Way.

See our podcast page for more collections of talks.

Live streaming

All our scheduled morning and evening sits at the Centre are live streamed on Mixlr (audio only). You are welcome to join us from where ever you are.

Instructions: Wait for the Zen Centre to come on-air (we are usually on-air 5 minutes before the sitting is scheduled to start). Once we are on-air, an arrow button will appear on the right hand side of the panel. Click on the arrow to start streaming. You can also join via our Mixlr page.

Upcoming events


Visit Us

52 Princes Street, Onehunga
Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland
Aotearoa New Zealand

Office hours
8am – 4pm

(09) 550 4383